圖片 23 /共 31 張: A true appetite suppressant, oat bran (the outer shell of the grain) expands in the stomach, helping you feel full. Its fibres and pectins also trap fat and, since the body does not produce the enzymes needed to digest this food, it is quickly eliminated from the body along with the carbohydrates (sugars) and (lipids) fats that attach to it along the way. Just remember to always drink a lot of water when you eat oat bran!
圖片 24 /共 31 張: Even though pears do not contain a ton of vitamins and minerals, their soluble fibre helps keep you full for long periods of time. Its peel is also full of antioxidants, and the fruit has properties that help prevent cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers.
圖片 25 /共 31 張: Because they help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, flax seeds are a great addition to a healthy and balanced diet. They also help with weight loss, thanks to their high antioxidant and fibre content.

圖片 26 /共 31 張: The chlorogenic acid in eggplants has a positive impact on insulin sensitivity and in managing blood sugar, and also helps reduce blood lipid levels. Eggplants act like a sponge, soaking up toxins and fats in the body. The skin contains the most nutrients, but the flesh’s high water content also makes eggplant a great choice for weight loss.
圖片 28 /共 31 張: Strongly recommended for diabetics (low glycemic index, high in nutrients), the tomato also has slimming properties. Its vitamin C helps reduce cortisol, preventing the accumulation of fat in the blood. This makes the tomato a great fat-burning food… in addition to being low cal!
除了強烈推薦給糖尿病患者(低血糖指數、高營養價值)食用之外,番茄同時具有減肥功效。它的維生素 C 有助減低皮質醇,並防止血液中的脂肪堆積。這使番茄成為一種極佳的燒脂食物……除此以外它更相當低卡
圖片 29 /共 31 張: While apples are not a great source of essential micronutrients, they make up for it with their antioxidant properties, their large amount of soluble fibre and, above all, their pectins which help trap fat. Finally, their appetite-curbing effect make them an ideal choice for any weight loss plan. Apples are best eaten unpeeled and raw.
圖片 30 /共 31 張: Garcinia Cambogia’s hydroxycitric acid is what makes it a well-known and highly effective weight loss food. This Asian fruit literally prevents the body from storing fats, and helps you feel full. It is mainly consumed as a nutritional supplement.
圖片 31 /共 31 張: The capsaicin contained in peppers (which gives them their spicy flavour) helps with satiety and boosts metabolism, which burns calories and fat. Cayenne and habanero peppers have the highest levels of capsaicin.

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